Tips for Preparing for Divorce Mediation – Great Conversation Starters

It pays to prepare for mediation if you are thinking about divorce. Here are some helpful tips.
The most important piece of advice for couples who want to prepare for divorce mediation is to think like a lawyer would prepare. Although the goal of mediation is to avoid a court date and litigation however, the legal procedures involved are much the same.
In the beginning, it’s important to be organized. As you begin the divorce proceedings together with your spouse or mediator, organization is a key part. Are you able to provide all the documentation required? Do you have a current inventory of the assets that have to be divided? This is a crucial thing to consider prior to any mediation.
A daily list is essential. Asset division is one thing, but you may have to also discuss the custody agreement along with financial reconciliation as well as more. While it’s important to trust the mediator you choose, they’ll not know the specifics of your relationship and what you’re hoping to achieve until you are prepared to talk about the issues. 7gqfu7iw6x.

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